How To Make Flowers Last Long?


Fresh flowers are rather attractive sights. Not only are they vibrant with regards to the shades but they are also quite satisfying to receive in every way. However, the problem with these is that they don’t seem to last long. Here are some tips to help you achieve this task.  bouquet delivery HK

Sprite or soda 

Did you know that sprite or any other soda could actually help in maintaining any bouquet delivery HK of fresh flowers you might have received? Well you can. All you have to do is save at least one fourth of a cup of this soda and have it poured in to a clear glass or vase filled with water. Cut up the ends on these florals and place them in the said vase. The sugar content in the soda then helps in making these last longer than usual.  

Use hairspray  

While hairspray is usually used on your hair to set it out as you want and make it last long, it could also be used on any flower online purchase you have made. All you need to do is take a step back from the said bunch and spray hairspray on the underside of these leaves and petals. By doing so, you can easily make sure your bunch of florals last long without browning and fading! 


Cider vinegar is a quite popular ingredient in many DIY projects. Here you need to make a mix of 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Pour this mix in to the water in the vase before adding in the flowers and let it sit and work its magic. Every time you want to change the water, do make sure to prepare a new mix and pour it in as well. This way your flowers would last long.  


Aspirin isn’t only for a headache or a cure for hangover but it is also the perfect ingredient in making fresh florals last longer without fading away. All you need to do is add in one crushed pill in to the water in the vase and then put in the flowers. However, do make sure to change the water occasionally and add in the aspirin without fail. 

Copper penny  

Who knew even pennies could be used to make flowers last long? Well, you can actually do so. All you need to do is drop in a copper penny and a cube of sugar in to the vase water. The mix between the two removes any possible room for bacteria growth that leads to flowers fading away sooner.  

Consider the above tips and use them on your own fresh flowers sitting at home in a vase!